New Beginnings in Mexico


Our Life In Mexico


Moving to Mexico in 2016 was one of the best decisions my husband Robert and I have ever made.

We will always be Americans and proud of it (most of the time). We have fond memories of our former life in Santa Fe, New Mexico, of dear friends and family (some of whom have already visited), and of all the other beautiful places we were fortunate to live in there.

HOWEVER, Life here in Barra has given us a stress-free peace of mind and body not felt before at this level. Granted, we no longer have the pressure of 9-5 jobs, tho we are still working. The environment of mostly outdoor living four blocks from the beach, with average temps of 83, blue skies and sunshine most of the year does wonders for one’s soul.

Life here is very affordable, health care is excellent, fresh food abundant, and the warmth of the people is heartwarming. One quick flight from our nearest airport 25 min away and we are in Los Angeles to see our son. Or, perhaps travel by one of the first-class buses and we can see more of the country. Last year we went to Mexico City and had an amazing time at all the museums taking in the rich culture of the country.

Here in town everyone walks or rides bikes, never forgetting to greet one another with a friendly “Hola, Buenos Dias”. I can always tell who the tourists are because they forget this ritual.

You might be wondering, what about the stories we hear of crime and danger? So much propaganda. Well, of course, there are parts of Mexico less safe than others, the same is true for any country including the states. But in our small fishing village of Barra de Navidad, we find a quiet, caring town filled with a wonderful mix of locals, permanent residents like us, and those “snowbirds” who come for a number of months at a time. Many have been coming for over 20 years. I have felt safer here than in many other places in my travels. Everyone helps each other.

I feel younger than I have in years, more relaxed and free to be me. I still teach and consult with my colorwork, and travel to teach (before covid). My husband Robert continues to write and do his creative woven art pieces. His website will lead you to his numerous books. One of the latest “Rooster on Main Street “ is stories of our life here in Barra you may enjoy.

Everyone deserves to see other parts of the world. The Costalegre (west coast of Mexico from Puerto Vallarta South to Manzanillo) is a treasure to be found. We count our blessings every day.


How I Came to Practice Aura-Soma®